Capello Hospice, Via Marchetti 5
Ancient nursing home
Sede: Centro storico 10098 - Rivoli (TO)
Telefono: 011 9561043
Fax: 011 9534903
Old nursing home
In 1717 Vittorio Amedeo II forbade begging in the public, and established the Charities with the mission of relieving the needy. In 1756 the priest in charge of the Collegiata Don Carlo Capello, designated in his last will the poor of Rivoli as his universal heirs. He entrusted the local Charity to set up in what used to be his own house a public hospital for the sheltering, education and retreat of the poor. At the beginning the Ospizio Capello could only provide sheltering and allow 8 young poor to learn a trade. In 1803 thanks to a subsequent donation a proper hospitalisation was started with three beds available. This service was soon transferred into the suppressed Carmelite Convent (Ospedale Vecchio). Nowadays the Ospizio Capello hosts the municipal Home of the Elderly.