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House of the Conte Verde

Un edifico del XIV secolo


Sede: Centro storico 10098 - Rivoli (TO)

Telefono: 011 9561043

Fax: 011 9534903


A 14th-century building

This building was named after the Conte Verde, Amedeo VI di Savoia, who actually never inhabited it though this fact allowed us to date it. This private house, erected at the end of the 14th century, reflects the social stratification of the time with shops on the ground floor, the noble residence on the first floor, the loggia and the service rooms on the last one. The shops and the crafts, which opened onto the arcades, were characterised by a wooden lacunar ceiling similar to the existing integral examples of Avigliana, Susa and Salbentrad. The architectural typology of the bilding is typical of the civil architecture for mixed residential and commercial use, which was spread in northern Italy and France during the medieval transition between 1300 and 1400. Nowadays, Conte Verde House hosts important cultural events organized by the Rivoli City Council.

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